3 Reasons CTV Advertising Drives Higher Education Enrollment

3 Reasons CTV Advertising Drives Higher Education Enrollment

A whopping 90% of prospective higher ed students watch ad-supported streaming TV. Meaning: Connected TV (CTV) continues to be an effective part of omnichannel media strategies for higher ed advertising. As a strategic paid media partner, we analyze media consumption habits like this to recommend media mixes that align with the industry, advertising goals, and target audience preferences, as they currently stand.

So, why is CTV a valuable paid media platform for universities and colleges?

1. Advanced Targeting Capabilities Further the Path to Prospective Student Conversion

With awareness, prospecting, and retargeting tactics, advertisers and media agencies can use CTV to reach prospective students on their journey toward school selection. Audience segmentation and targeting capabilities include targeting by:

  • Location
  • Specific time of day
  • Interest
  • And more
3 Reasons CTV Advertising Drives Higher Education Enrollment

Media planners often recommend CTV to universities because highly tailored, relevant ads enhance brand awareness and consideration. The level of precision also provides greater measurable outcomes, strengthening media attribution for deeper insights and optimizations. 

2. The Number of Prospective Students Using Connected TV is Surging

If prospective undergraduate or graduate students are your audience(s), this media channel can  reach your target demo better than linear TV. 76% of consumers ages 15-24 reported they use CTV. This number rises to 82%+ when you include graduate program aged students and non-traditional learners ages 25-54. 

By 2024, the number of CTV viewers is expected to be 2x the number of traditional TV viewers. With more people choosing streaming vs. linear television, media buyers are leveraging Connected TV to reach stakeholders that may influence the student journey (e.g. parents, caretakers, or guidance counselors).

3. Programmatic CTV Delivers Cost-Efficiencies Reaching Prospective Students

Media agencies are programmatically buying premium CTV inventory to help higher education advertisers place messaging on prestigious websites at efficient costs. No matter the amount of advertising resources, institutions can be more competitive with this tactic. What’s more, programmatic CTV buying supports better forecasting, reporting, and media mix modeling

Ready to Take Your Higher Education Marketing to the Next Level?

With so many colleges and universities vying for student attention, CTV presents a compelling opportunity to drive awareness and enrollment. 

As a paid media agency, we often recommend Connected TV as part of an omnichannel campaign for its engaging content delivery, precise audience targeting, and measurable results.

Looking to boost student applications? Contact us today

A whopping 90% of prospective higher ed students watch ad-supported streaming TV. Meaning: Connected TV (CTV) continues to be an effective part of omnichannel media strategies for higher ed advertising. As a strategic paid media partner, we analyze media consumption habits like this to recommend media mixes that align with the industry, advertising goals, and target audience preferences, as they currently stand.

So, why is CTV a valuable paid media platform for universities and colleges?

1. Advanced Targeting Capabilities Further the Path to Prospective Student Conversion

With awareness, prospecting, and retargeting tactics, advertisers and media agencies can use CTV to reach prospective students on their journey toward school selection. Audience segmentation and targeting capabilities include targeting by:

  • Location
  • Specific time of day
  • Interest
  • And more

Media planners often recommend CTV to universities because highly tailored, relevant ads enhance brand awareness and consideration. The level of precision also provides greater measurable outcomes, strengthening media attribution for deeper insights and optimizations. 

2. The Number of Prospective Students Using Connected TV is Surging

If prospective undergraduate or graduate students are your audience(s), this media channel can  reach your target demo better than linear TV. 76% of consumers ages 15-24 reported they use CTV. This number rises to 82%+ when you include graduate program aged students and non-traditional learners ages 25-54. 

By 2024, the number of CTV viewers is expected to be 2x the number of traditional TV viewers. With more people choosing streaming vs. linear television, media buyers are leveraging Connected TV to reach stakeholders that may influence the student journey (e.g. parents, caretakers, or guidance counselors).

3. Programmatic CTV Delivers Cost-Efficiencies Reaching Prospective Students

Media agencies are programmatically buying premium CTV inventory to help higher education advertisers place messaging on prestigious websites at efficient costs. No matter the amount of advertising resources, institutions can be more competitive with this tactic. What’s more, programmatic CTV buying supports better forecasting, reporting, and media mix modeling

Ready to Take Your Higher Education Marketing to the Next Level?

With so many colleges and universities vying for student attention, CTV presents a compelling opportunity to drive awareness and enrollment. 

As a paid media agency, we often recommend Connected TV as part of an omnichannel campaign for its engaging content delivery, precise audience targeting, and measurable results.

Looking to boost student applications? Contact us today

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